Registration Guide

1. Create a profile – register your team
Teams having cars both with combustion and electric engine should register separate accounts for each if planning to attend on an event (the team names should differ).

Due to the new website each team has to create a new profile. We recommend to create a profile with general mail address like or - so if in the future the team roles changing you won't need any maintance tasks.

2. Activate team account

You will recievean e-mail about the registration. In this mail you will find a link to activate your account.

3. Login at

You can fin the login button on the top right corner of the site


4. Fill out Team profile data
After activating your account upon first login you will be redirected to your team profile form. We kindly ask everyone to fill out these data about your team as fully as possible, because we use these in our program book to describe every participant.
ATTENTION! The marked fields and the team profile must be completed before registration.

The described steps have to be performed before both phases of the registration, you can not register without an activated team profile! Please also create a team profile before the pre-registration.